Sometimes in life, we just gotta accept things the way it is even if it turned another way round. Things may be a little rough but sooner or later you'll get over it.
I didn't get into Poly, yet. For goodness sake, the 2nd time in my life? It's like you took 7 years of your life to work hard for Poly and got rejected twice it's like a lot more worse than being rejected in a marriage proposal.
Everyone wants the best out of them.
Even me, but I do believe that something bigger is out there for me. Insyallah. If this is the way god is testing me, I'm always accepting it with open arms. I may feel so low and down at first, but my strongest pillars are always all around me to keep on motivating me and believing in me I really thank them for that.
So much love is given out to all of them right now.
Ya Allah, I am sure you have better things for me in the future. Thank you.
We'll see how the appeal application goes first. (: I'm never gonna give up.
Well I have one thing to confess right now and I don't know how else to say things except to mylittleredblog(:
I'm sick and tired. My mind is really screwed up and I don't even wanna think about it any second from now on. Boys really screw up mind at it's highest level ah.
Eh malas ah nak cakap. It's like I've done the worst mistake or said the worst lie ever in their lives and they won't ever talk to me again. Whaddafuck much?
As far as I'm concern, I have never done anything wrong to hurt anyone's feelings.
I'm totally moodless right now.
Lots of Love,